What features will the new online banking offer?
- Single log-in for all accounts
- Upgraded bill pay, including the ability to set up new payees in the mobile app
- Stop check payments
- Apply for a loan
- Reorder checks
- View your statements
- Fully integrated Money Manager
- Passcode and facial recognition on compatible devices
How do I update my contact information?
From the online and mobile banking home page, select “Settings” then “Update Information.” Once you confirm all contact information and make any changes, you will be prompted to save the information.
Next, you will be prompted to update your secure delivery information to make sure you receive your secure access code for future log-ins.
How do I log in to online banking?
The first time you log in to your account following the upgrade, a secure access code will be used to confirm your identity. You will be sent a six-digit number via a text message, email, or voice call to the contact information on file. When you receive a secure access code, you’ll enter it to confirm your identity and proceed with log-in.
(If you have more than one username, the username you use the first time you log in to the new experience will be the one you use going forward. Your other usernames will no longer work.)
If you do not receive a secure access code upon first attempting to log in, your contact information on file may be incorrect.
After you enter the secure access code and have successfully accessed your account, you will be prompted to enter a new password that meets the updated security requirements.
Next, you will be asked to agree to terms and conditions. You will also have the option of registering the device you are using for future log-ins. Registering a private device will minimize the need for secure access codes during future log-in attempts. Your device must be registered to use the "Forgot Password" feature.
How do I reset my password?
If you’ve forgotten your password and are unable to log in to the new online and mobile banking experience, you can reset it by clicking “Forgot Password” on the log-in screen. You will enter your username and then receive a secure access code. After receiving the code, enter the code and create a new password.
The “Forgot Password” feature will only work if you have already logged in to the new online and mobile banking experience and have registered your device. If you are trying to log in for the first time since the upgrade, you will need to call Member Services at 1.888.AVADIAN (1.888.282.3426).
If you want to change your password and are able to log in to the new online and mobile banking experience, select “Settings” then “Security Preferences” then “Change Password.”
What is a secure access code?
The first time you attempt to log in to your account following the upgrade, a secure access code will be used. A secure access code is a security feature used to confirm your identity for log-in. You will be sent a six-digit number via a text message, email, or voice call to the contact information on file. (You will choose from the contact information on file how you want to receive the code.) When you receive a secure access code, you’ll enter it to confirm your identity and proceed with the log-in. The code expires after 15 minutes, so you’ll need to have immediate access to the phone or email address you choose.
If you do not receive a secure access code upon first attempting to log in, your contact information on file may be incorrect.
To double-check your contact information, call 1.888.AVADIAN (1.888.282.3426) and speak to Member Services.
What should I do if my options for secure access code delivery are not correct?
If you do not receive a secure access code upon first attempting to log in, your contact information on file may be incorrect.
To resolve this, please contact us at 1.888.AVADIAN (1.888.282.3426).
Once you are able to log in, you will then be able to update the delivery methods for your secure access code. Select “Settings” then “Security Preferences” and then “Secure Delivery.”
You’ll be able to edit, delete, or add contact information for secure delivery.
NOTE: This will NOT update information for your account. To do that, visit “Settings” then “Update Information.”
I want to receive my secure access code via text, but I’m not receiving it. What do I do?
If you have an “alternative” type cell phone, we’ve found that you may need to “enable” receipt of texts from our system.
To do that, text “START” to 86434 to enable receipt of the text messages.
You’ll then need to request delivery of the secure access code again.
Should I register my device?
Registering your device will make logging in easier in the future.
It’s also important to note that the “Forgot Password” feature only works if you have registered your device. Registering your device will also minimize the need for secure access codes during future log-in attempts.
However, you should not register a device that could be used by individuals you have not authorized to access your accounts.
How do I make a loan payment?
You will be able to make a loan payment from any account you have with Avadian or by linking an external account (see the next question for more about linking accounts). Select “Payment and Transfers” then “Loan & Visa Payments,” then choose the account you’d like to use to make the payment from the drop-down menu.
You may make a payment as a one-time transfer or set up a recurring transfer.
How long does it take for a transfer to occur to another account?
Member-to-member transfers occur immediately.
An outgoing transfer to an external institution will happen as soon as the next business day. You will choose when you want the transfer to occur, starting with the next business day. Same business day transfers are not available.
An incoming transfer from an external institution may take several days before the transaction “arrives” at Avadian. Once we receive the transaction, it should post to your account within three days.
What is a linked account?
A linked account is an account from another financial institution that you can link to your Avadian account.
There are three main ways to use linked accounts:
- Add an external account or loan for budgeting purposes. Under “Money Manager,” select “Link Account” on the online and mobile banking home page then enter or select the financial institution that holds the account you want to link. Enter your online credentials for the other institution’s site. This information will be viewable only and will not allow transactions. Read more about Money Manager here.
- Transfer funds to or from an account at any domestic financial institution. Go to “Account Actions” then “External Account – Add” from the online and mobile banking home page to enter the account information. You will verify the accounts with micro deposits (small amounts of money deposited into an account that you will then enter to confirm the correct account is being used for the transaction) to confirm the process.
- Transfer funds from one member to another and save the account number if you frequently transfer money to that person. Select “Payments and Transfers” then “Member to Member.” You will use the normal verification for member transfer to complete the process. The account will then be available in the drop-down menu of the transfers screen, and you can also “nickname” the account in account preferences for future use.
Why can’t I find my financial institution in Money Manager to link my accounts?
If you can’t find the financial institution you’re looking for in the “quick picks,” try entering the name in the “search” field. Try using more general terms instead of specific names.
If you still can’t find the financial institution, you can add an account manually. Click “Add a Manual Account,” then enter the name, type, and balance so Money Manager can more accurately reflect the current state of your finances.
How do I link an external account for an external transfer?
From the online and mobile banking home page go to “Account Actions” then “External Account – Add.” You’ll then be prompted to enter the routing number, account number, and account type for the account you’d like to link. Once this information is entered, two micro deposits (small deposits in amounts less than $1) will be generated and sent to your external account (typically within five [5] business days).
Once the micro deposits are received by your external account, select “Account Actions” then “External Account —Verify” from the online and mobile banking home page. You’ll then enter the amounts of the micro deposits. Once the account is verified, you will see the external account in your drop-down menu for transferring funds. You may “nickname” accounts in “Settings” then “Account Preferences” then clicking the pencil icon next to an account.
You may also nickname an account by clicking on the three dots above the balance and selecting “nickname.”
Why can’t I link an external account?
Only financial institutions in the United States can be linked.
If the micro deposits do not appear in your account within the required timeframe, contact the other financial institution to verify that you are using the correct routing number as some institutions do not use the same routing number for all account types.
What happened to my e-Alerts?
Our upgraded system offers more e-Alerts, and they are easy to set up. To set up new alerts, select “Account Actions” then “Alerts.” Security Alerts appear as the default. Click “+ New Alert” to create Account Alerts, Online Activity Alerts, and/or Transaction Alerts.
Please note that alerts are sent every 15 minutes.
Unfortunately, the e-Alerts you may have had set up on the previous online and mobile banking experience did not carry over. We apologize for this inconvenience.
What is online banking history?
Your online banking history allows you to see all the transactions that you have initiated via online and mobile banking. To view this, select “Online Activity Summary.” You’ll be able to see single transactions, recurring transactions, and mobile deposited checks. You can customize the view by searching or applying filters.
How do I export my transaction history from online banking?
To download your transaction history, log in to online and mobile banking and select the account for the history you want to download. Click on the export icon and choose your download method.

What is text banking?
Text banking is a new feature that allows you to text prompts (see below for available commands) to 226563 for account information.
To enroll and customize text banking options for your account, select “Settings” then “Text Enrollment.” You’ll enroll first, then confirm the number that you would like texts sent to and agree to the Terms and Conditions.
Click “Settings” then “Account Preferences” to select the accounts you would like to use in text banking and set the name for each account by clicking “Online Display Name” then entering a name and clicking the check mark. The display name will default to the first four letters of the account unless you choose something different (i.e. “Choi” for Choice Checking or “Savi” for Savings). Then click on "SMS/Text" to enroll each account to receive text alerts.
The following commands are available for text banking:
BAL – receive account balance (if no account name is included [BALCHOI], the balance of all enabled accounts will be listed)
HIST – receive account history
XFER – transfer funds between accounts
LIST – receive a list of available text commands
HELP – receive a list of contact points for information on text banking
STOP – stop all text messages to the mobile device (for both text banking and SMS alerts/notifications)
What happened to my nicknames?
Setting up nicknames is easy.
Select “Settings” then “Account Preferences.” You will have the option to make each account visible on the home page of online and mobile banking and to create and edit nicknames. To give your accounts nicknames, click “Settings” then “Account Preferences” to select the accounts you would like to use in text banking and set the nickname for each account by clicking “Online Display Name” then entering a name and clicking the check mark. You can also click the options icon in an account tile on the home page and select "Nickname Account."
Unfortunately, the account nicknames you had set up on the previous online and mobile banking experience will not carry over. We apologize for this inconvenience.
What are the differences among being “primary,” “joint,” and a “beneficiary” on an account.
The primary account owner is the person who opened it. A joint owner is a person designated by the primary account owner as having equal ownership rights to the account [at the time of the account’s opening or later]. If you and your spouse open an account together, one of you will be designated as the primary and the other as joint – whoever’s name goes on the “primary” line on the application will be designated as primary. A beneficiary is a person designated by the primary owner to receive the account in the event that the account’s owner(s) dies but does not have access or visibility to the account while the primary and joint owners are alive.
This is important because accounts will now be visible to both primary and joint owners. A beneficiary will not have visibility into accounts.
Where can I find my account and routing number for direct deposit?
The credit union’s routing number is 262087528. This is such a frequent request that we put the routing number at the top of our website when we redesigned it, so you can always find it when you need it. You can also find it in online banking under “Details” when you click on the account’s tile.
Your account number can be found in online banking in the gray box just below your name.
Can I re-arrange how I view my accounts?
Yes, you sure can. You can rename your accounts and re-arrange them to create a custom dashboard of all your accounts.
For instance if you are joint on your spouse’s accounts and want to group them separately, you can do that by “dragging” the tile for that account to the inbox icon that will pop up below your cursor.
This will create a group into which you can move other accounts as necessary.
You can change the name of that group by clicking the pencil and entering a new name.
You can create as many groups as you like.
Why am I seeing accounts that I’ve never seen before?
Great question. And it’s an important question too.
In the new online and mobile banking experience, you see all your accounts on the same screen – whether you are the primary account holder or a joint owner of the account and regardless of how many member numbers you had. In the previous experience, only the primary account holder had a log-in credential and needed a different username for each member number.
So let’s take a look at a few examples of who will have visibility into your accounts.
Scenario 1: Husband and Wife Joint Account
Let’s say you have a Savings and a Choice Checking account, and your spouse is listed as joint owner on both.
Both accounts will be fully accessible to both of you when you log in to online and mobile banking with separate log-in credentials.
Scenario 2: Parents as Joint on Teen’s Account
Let’s add an Edge Savings for Teens Account for your teenager with both you and your spouse listed as joint owners on the account. Your child is not listed on your Savings and Choice Checking accounts.
The Savings, Choice Checking, and Edge Savings for Teens accounts will be accessible to you and your spouse when you log in to online and mobile banking. Only the Edge Savings for Teens Account will be accessible to your child (if he or she has online and mobile banking log-in credentials).
Scenario 3: An Account Used for a Surprise
Let’s suppose you created a U Name It Savings Account under a different member number because you wanted to plan a surprise anniversary trip for your spouse. Of course, it’s a surprise, so your spouse doesn’t know about the account, but you put your spouse on the account as a joint owner – you know, just in case something happens. With the new online and mobile banking experience, your spouse will have visibility and access to the account upon logging in to online banking.
If you have questions about who can see your accounts, please call Member Services at 1.888.AVADIAN (1.888.282.3426).
Can I hide accounts from my dashboard?
Yes, you most certainly can.
To hide accounts, simply click “Settings” then “Account Preferences.” You’ll then select the account you wish to hide, then click the check mark under “Account Visibility” to toggle it to “x.” You will be asked to confirm that you want to hide the account. Click “Yes, hide.” If it is the last account in a group on your dashboard, you will be asked to confirm that you want to delete the group. Click “Yes, delete.” The account (and potentially its group) will no longer display on your dashboard.
If you decide later that you want to see it again, you can toggle it back to “Visible.” To do that, click “Settings” then “Account Preferences.” You’ll then select the account under “Hidden Accounts” that you wish to make visible, then click the “x” under “Account Visibility” to toggle it back to the check mark.
Why am I being prompted for security questions for Bill Pay?
In the new online and mobile banking experience, we will confirm your identity through secure access codes.
However, security questions will still be required for certain activities in Bill Pay as an extra layer of protection.
The first few times that you access Bill Pay following the upgrade to the new online and mobile banking experience, you will be prompted to set up new security questions.